GRWM' My Everyday Makeup Routine

By EmilyCooper - December 30, 2017

My mornings can be very manic especially if I am trying to get out the door at a reasonable time, which is most likely never ha ha! I do try! So I try to wake up before Amelia and get on with my day! This day was great!

So every morning I jump in the shower, I generally wash my hair every other day, and this morning was a hair wash day. So I decided to use the Garnier Ultimate Blends with argan and camellia oils shampoo and conditionerSince using this I have noticed such a change in my hair as it was becoming dry and damaged, this has left it feeling soft and shiny. I then give it a blast with the hair dryer and go over it with my straighteners.

After this I then wash my face, and at the moment I am using the Simple Everyday Face Wash and then head straight for the cream, I need to make sure I moisturise as I have such dry skin in places, and for this I use the Simple Light Face Moisturiser as this is sensitive for my skin.  

I then crack on with applying my makeup. At the moment for my base I am using the Nars Sheer Glow Foundation in the tone Fiji with either the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer or the Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer, today I used the Nars as I find this extremely brightening and this day I defo needed it! I also then popped some over some blemishes I had. After I then set my face with a transparent powder and I am using the Rimmel London Clear Complection Radieux Powder. I like this one as I find it doesn't leave my face looking to cakey, just keeps the foundation in just the right places!

I then use my favourite go to Hoola By Benefit with an added blush of Dandelion By Benefit. If I'm feeling it I will add a small amount of highlight and I have discovered Dandelion Twinkle By Benefit, this is just such a beautiful highlight.

For my eyes I use a soft Kohl Black Eye Liner By Rimmel on my waterline. This is so old fashioned but I can not go a day without wearing it. After this I then use two mascaras They're Real By Benefit and Bad Girl Lash By Benefit, as you can see I have a little obsession with benefit makeup! But I find that both of these gives me the full look I am after. Finally followed with my brows, at the moment I am using Gimme Brow By Benefit and Goof Proof Brow Pencil By Benefit. Someone brought these for me and now I can't find anything in comparison, as for ages before I couldn't find a brow product that I loves and now these are my all time fave.

If I'm feeling a lip I will either use my Mac Lipstick or opt for a clear balm to keep them moisturised, but today I just added a balm for a casual look!!

And that's it, my everyday makeup routine. Whats yours?

Emily x

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