So your prob reading this thinking, well there is not a 1, 2 or 3 month update how can you do a 4 month one?? Well I just am, I'm going to go over a couple things from those months as well and jam them all into one. I never had this blog when she was 1, 2 or 3 months so I couldn't? ha ha!
When Amelia was 6/7 weeks old she was diagnosed with a cows milk protein allergy and reflux, after a month of her being on the prescription milk and Gavsicon all seemed to be good! From birth to 4 weeks she was breastfed, however that didn't work out for me, to many issues but ill save that for another time. Between 4-6/7 weeks she was on normal Aptamil and that didn't agree with her as we found out. Hey ho she's all good now!
Iv just started to get her into a good evening routine and she's liking it so far, bath, bottle and bed. normally in bed between 7-8, this is a good time for us at the moment. Before this it was just convenient to be downstairs with us till we went to be, but then we realised actually we would like some time to us and she needed some form of routine, so we introduced one! Yey!!
She's normally a, well I say good sleeper, I can put her down in her Snuzpod and she will "sleep" till the next morning, trust me tho this isn't at all quiet sleep or undisturbed for me. She's definitely not a peaceful sleeper and is still waking for a feed once in the middle of the night which is fine. Although the times between feeds is not fun for me or my husband! Lets just say.. iv never heard anything like it, sometimes I think I'm living in a zoo!!
Giggling, now this is the cutest thing in the world. If anyone of you has kids you would no the love you feel when they giggle! It actually melts my heart. She's just started to find things funny, especially if you blow raspberries on her neck or legs or if you bounce her up and down on your knee! So So CUTE!!
Along side her Giggling, Amelia has definitely found her voice, she actually screams high pitch just to hear her voice, its quite amusing but also hurts my ears! She also just sits there and babbles at you which is adorable, and I babble back. Weather she actually understands it or not I get a reply!!
I can finally say that she is creeping into her 3-6 month clothing! How exciting but also quite sad. She was a tiny baby born, was only 6lb and dropped to 5lb 4 so was very diddy and was in prem/ tiny baby clothes for a while. So now she is going into her 3-6 month it is quite scary, but I mean she is 4 months now, so I guess she should be!!
Now, she's not a fan of lying down on the floor and never has been, so when you lye her down, be that to change her, play with her or bath her she is always trying to sit up, I got to tall you this little baby must have the best core muscles ever! I no they are defo better than mine! (that's not hard to be fair!). Its like little mini sit ups all the time!!
Dribbling has now been an issue for I would say the last month, its constant and I do feel for her, I think those teeth of hers are playing her about, her cheeks are red, gums are hard, fist is permanently in her mouth! So I would definitely say that its all got something to do with her teething! Poor little bubba!
She has recently started to blow raspberries and the saliva that collects on her chin is insane! But she loves it, gets all excited and sits there blowing for ages! I definitely do not sit there and amuse myself by it!!
Grabbing toys, now this I feel I'm impatient with as I think she should be grabbing toys all the time now. But helloooo she's 4 months old, she's a little bubba still. I think I am wanting a lot from a 4 month old! But no, the other morning we were playing and she reached out for her toy I was holding and grabbed it, it was so amazing. She's not doing it all the time and is not interested when she's tired but when she's playing with me she does it a couple of times and its so rewarding seeing her learn.
I think that these are the main things that have happened so far, I can't really remember months 1, 2 and 3, how bad is that, it just feels so long ago and I mean in months 1 and 2 all they pretty much do its sleep, eat and poop. So I'm sorry but the majority of what iv spoke about is all around her 4 months of age stage. ha ha! Now onto month 5, how my little bubba is growing so quick!!
Anyways let me know if any of your babies do any of these?
Emily xx