This post is a little over due, I'm so sorry about that! I mean it's only 10 days, Opps! Anyways here is Amelia's update and what she has been getting up to now she is 7 months old. It's so crazy how these months are flying by, it only felt like I wrote the other one the other day. I am loving being a mummy and seeing a little human being grow up and learn as she gets bigger, its so fascinating and makes me a very proud mummy.
- Rolling Over/ Moving
This is just a complete breeze now, if she wants something then she will get it, I would say over the past 2 weeks she has become more determined and less fearful. When I say that I mean, she was rolling over and then staying there not really doing much and just shouting cause she couldn't move, now she rolls from back to front and front to back, throwing herself all over the place. She is moving round in circles and I don't think it will be long before she realises she can move! At the moment she lifts her arms and legs up at the same times and pretty much does a belly plank! Gets herself all in a state and starts shouting, the frustration has started to happen!!
- Sitting Up
In other ways she is advanced and other not so, every child is different and I'm only starting to learn this, no child is like a book and they all reach different stages at different times. I guess this is one thing that I struggle to cope with, I sometimes think that she 'cant' do something when in fact she just hasn't learnt that yet and she has plenty of time and in other ways she has learnt things quickly. Sitting is one of those things she's not quite mastered yet, which i guess has surprised me as since she was about 4-4.5 months all she ever wanted to do was to be upright, any time I laid her down she wasn't a happy bunny, and now its like its reversed, she likes sitting up (aided) but isn't massively fussed. I think maybe because she can roll over she thinks she doesn't need to sit, or maybe she's just lazy and doesn't want to use those tummy muscles of hers she has!! But yes she's not yet mastered sitting up, she can sit with pillows around her or in between our legs but other wise she is all wobbly and falls over. This is something we are going to work on before she is 8 months old! She will sit the little monkey!
- Amelia's Hair
When Amelia was born she had thick dark hair, then it disappeared and I didn't actually really notice until the other day I was looking back at pictures and thought... were did all that hair go? Well it's back, its not as dark as it was but its starting to get really thick! I love running my hands through it! I now cant imagine her with long hair but I can not wait for that time to come! I can't wait to put it in little pig tails or braid it. Oh I'm getting a little to excited writing this right now!
- Food
Food is finally taking off, I feel like we are starting to master the eating situation. She started so well and then stopped and now has started back up again. I'm trying to do a little bit of BLW with her and also traditional feeding, because I'm finding I started the puree foods before she was 6 months old so she really likes it. However for me, spoon feeding can be so much easier, and this is not anything other than having a busy lifestyle, (well maybe a little bit of being lazy) but at least I'm lucky she will do either. Breakfast is her favourite meal at the moment, as soon as she has been awake for half hour she is screaming for some food, and this is when I just let her feed her self and she loves it! Let roll onto being able to introduce milk back into her diet, 3 months and counting! If anyone didn't know Amelia has a cows milk protein allergy. I might right a post about this because introducing foods can be very difficult.
- Interaction
This is what I'm loving about her being this age, the interaction you have with them is just so special, she's starting to copy things I do. For instance - Poking her tongue out, trying to clap her hands (but claps her legs), mouth movements and her trying to 'talk'. It's just amazing to see her progress and she is doing different things all the time. I can generally have a babble conversation with her, I make noises and she replies and I love it. She almost talks to me with her big blue eyes! She's starting to say 'Da Da', kind of sounds more like 'Ba Ba' and has said 'Ma' now and again. To me its just incredible and I cant wait for more to come.
- Sleeping
I'm going to have to brake it to you all, Amelia is now 7 months and not sleeping all the way through the night, I have no idea why? I don't really now how to get her to I'm just going with it really and hoping one day that she will go a full 12 hours. I cant really complain alt, she's down around 7-7.30 and wakes around 2ish then back down till between 5-6. It could be worse but I feel like I have just got into a nice sleep when she wakes up so that stretch of sleep could be longer! I'm starting to do more with her now she's getting older, and I'm hoping this will make her sleep more at night and I'm making sure she has a nap in the morning and one in the afternoon, hopefully this will also make her sleep better at night. To be fair, she's old enough to be able to sleep through the night so I think its now more habit she wakes up at 2ish, so over the next months I'm going to see what I can do!
How old are your little bubba's and what can they do?
Emily xx