Chocolate Brownie Gingerbread Men!

By EmilyCooper - December 19, 2017

So after hours of looking for baking inspiration on Pinterest I came across this chocolate brownie gingerbread men idea, and I thought why not give it ago. 

I kinda cheated and brought a packet brownie mix, there is no excuses but I was having a lazy day any thought this might be quicker! 

If you want to make these then this is all you need -

  • Brownie mix (Shop brought or home made)
  • Smarties 
  • Writing icing (White)
  • Gingerbread Cookie Cutter

This will literally take you 5-10 mins to make! 

Heat the oven to 180℃

Follow the recipe on the back of the Shop brought mix (see easy peasy straight away). 

Once baked leave to cool fully as this will be hot! Once cool take the brownie out of the baking tin and place on a clean flat surface.

Cut out as many gingerbread men as your mixture allows you to, iv not done this before so I wasn't sure how many you would get. I however think I failed somewhere along the line as I only managed to get 4!! Next time I shall use a bigger baking tin! 

Next grab your choice of writing icing, I went for white to start with and then chose different colours for the buttons and then get decorating!! 

If you have noticed I said you need to get smarties, well no you don't need them, they were to big. I could only fit one onto the Gingerbread men and it looked silly ha ha!!

Finally, make yourself a nice hot drink and enjoy!!

Emily x

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