Festive time of the year

By EmilyCooper - December 18, 2017

This time of the year has got to be one of my favourite , I mean who's wouldn't it be? The catchy music playing on repeat, all of the yummy food, finding the best looking tree and decorating the house with either pure cheese or tasteful decorations! I must say I do like a mixture! 

Im such a big kid when it comes to Christmas and this year I get to be a even bigger one, although my little girl is not going to know its Christmas I can still make the day as festive and exciting for her as much as possible. I guess this year its definitely going to be a special one, its her first Christmas and my first one as a mummy. 

Not only now do I spend Christmas with my partner in crime (my husband) but I also now get to enjoy the festive times with my new little one. I can now do all the things my mum and dad did with me, with Amelia. Like visiting Father Christmas, waiting for him to come on Christmas Eve, putting the carrot, mince pie, milk and beer out for him and the reindeers and many more exciting things!

Before the festive period is over there are things I have to achieve, so here goes!

Christmas markets- This is a must have for me. Who wouldn't want to walk round all the stalls trying different drinks and all cheeses possible!!

Christmas Tree Shopping- Finding the best looking Christmas tree is a must, cause Hellooooo, this tree is going in my house for everyone to come round and judge and I mean its got to look beautiful!!

Baking mince pies- I must admit I have been very poor this year, I have not made one single pie yet, But I still have time! Oh and I will upload my famous mince pie recipe, it is to die for!!

Christmas shopping-  This is my all time fav, I get to go out and buy everyone a little gift. I get that excited about it I try and do it all in one day and I got to say I did try my hardest but I did kind of failed ... I only finished on the Saturday gone and still have some coming via the post! opps!!

Christmas Jumper- Wearing a good old festive jumper, it wouldn't be Christmas with out one! However I didn't invest in one this year and I so should have, Primark were selling the best Disney jumpers ever and I missed out! Ill just have to stick with my one from last year!

Wrapping the presents- I have to go to town on this and find the most perfect paper. Each different for the adults, kids and my husband! Wrap them all up with cute little bows and place them under the tree! I generally do this a week before Christmas so I can get that little bit more excited!! ha ha!

Anyways we are now just under a week away from Christmas and to be fair I can't believe were this month has gone, each day is rolling into the next. The big festive day of the year is going to be on top of us before we know it and we can all gather the family round the table and feast! Have a good chit chat, play silly games, relax on the sofa and just enjoy the day! And now this year we have one more addition to the family to make it a good old 17! I wonder how many there will be next year??

Tell me all about your festive times id love to hear about them!! 

Emily x

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