My First Blog Post?

By EmilyCooper - December 17, 2017

So? Iv been sat here looking at my screen thinking what should be my first post? What shall i write about to start off with? Should i tell you all about my little family in my little house, or shall i introduce you to myself and what i love doing as a person, and what goes on in my life? Or maybe i should go straight in with a post about something completely different! Hard right? Okay, lets not be rude and start this off with a little bit about me, that's if anyone is interested cause this could be a little bit boring! ha ha! I can promise you this will not take long!

Well here goes, maybe i should have called this "A little bit of boringness about me and my little life".

So I'm 23 years young who has a passion for all different things in life be that fashion or beauty, baking (but definitely not cooking) or new to be mummy life! 

I currently live in a seaside town of West Sussex with my little baby girl Amelia and my husband Mark.
My little girl is currently just over 3 months old and adjusting to life as a mum is great (however it can be challenging), but now that I have her I wouldn't change it for the world. So far my life has changed for the better, and I couldn't be happier. 
I have been together with my husband for nearly 7 years and a newly wed wife for just over a year now (15 months). He is my world, my best friend and my soul mate! (enough with the soppiness)!

We are big on family and both have the best parents, brothers and sisters possible with many nieces and nephews running around! We make sure that we spend as much time as possible with them as they are so important to us and now Amelia. 

Anyways that's enough rambling on,

This is me and my lovely husband 

See that didn't take long at all!

Emily x

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