What We Wore Wednesday #5

By EmilyCooper - May 02, 2018

Today has been one of those days were nothing seems to be going to plan, with the feeling that everything was against me! But the day ended nice and sunny with a beach walk. When the weather is beautiful there is nothing better than going down to the beach and having a lovely stroll, to be fair we are so lucky we live in a sea side town. This morning I was all prepared to be up quick to get out and back with lots of things to do. Somehow I decided to play 'hide the car keys' game with myself meaning I couldn't leave the house because my house keys are attached to them! So from that point everything went south, no visiting the dentist, no going to the shop for much needed washing powder, no sending eBay parcels, and no seeing my niece! All motivation down the pan for me, searched the whole house from top to bottom, in the changing bag 100 times, the kitchen, turned the sofa upside down only for my husband to come home after he finished work turn the changing back inside out for the keys to be at the bottom under the changing mat. Seriously... am I just loosing the plot? Rant/ story over.

So my outfit for the day ended up being...throw on a pair of jeans (the only ones that fit me right now) and a jumper. I grabbed a pink one out the wardrobe! At least its pretty right? My jeans are from New Look, generally the only place I can get jeans to fit me, kinda? I loved TopShop jeans at one point, but I find that I have to wear jeans with a little bit of a stretch as I was gifted with a big bottom and chunkier legs! haha! And TopShop don't really sell the ones I used to love! Darn! My jumper is actually from New Look as well, I think I got this around January time, didn't actually realise I would still be wearing big jumpers in spring! When is the weather going to get better!! Am I just moaning today? I am very sorry! So I'm just wearing a very casual and chilled outfit this week! Lets hope next week its sunny and I can wear something other than jeans!!

Amelia is wearing a cute little spot denim dress, and some white tights, I love her wearing dresses. I can dress her up like a princess on a daily basis! The dress is from H&M and the tights are from Peacocks. Its a very simple outfit today but I love when she wears little outfits like this not only do they look adorable but there so easy for bum changes. that's what every mum needs right, a nice easy life! 

I actually realised when we was taking our pictures today I left her headband off, opps the cutest part of the outfit and its missing!! Oh well these things happen! 

See you next Wednesday when hopefully if the weather stays nice we could be wearing something more summery!!

Emily xx

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